
An introduction…

Ranj Bawa has a passion for helping others live, work, and play at their highest level. Leaders and professionals turn to Ranj for advice and guidance in their pursuit of extraordinary performance. For over 25 years, he has been caring for and coaching people to aspire to their highest potential.


Hi, I'm Ranj Bawa, Owner and President of Renewed Balance Lifestyle Coaching. My focus has always been helping people reach new heights while celebrating how far they have come. For over 25 years now I have been coaching, training, and speaking, committed to bringing lasting and positive change to people’s lives. 

I am devoted to helping others find abundance and success in their lives. I strongly believe in the power of balancing gratitude for what we have with clarity about what limits us. Gratitude helps manifest the joy and abundance we seek... and getting clear on our limitations means facing our fears, which is the first step to overcoming them and stepping into the life we truly want.

You already have what you need to lift yourself up. You have the answers. So rather than tell you what to do, I promise to ask you thought-provoking questions, journeying with you and encouraging you to delve deeper.

This is what sets the stage for you to experience the victory of finding the direction that best serves you.

You are on a journey that will be marked by both victory and adversity. With the dynamic nature of life, I want to support you with knowing your truth and being sure of your path. My role is to help you enhance your awareness, resilience and presence so that you can step into your own empowerment, confidence and purpose. This will then lead you to making choices that will honor your values, goal and visions.

I am on your team through it all. My early athletic career as a quarterback provided me with a deep understanding of the power of working together. Earning your trust and watching you grow into your best self is very important to me. In the hopes of having you feel open and candid in our work together, I am committed to sharing that of myself as well. I offer you my genuine care and support, with a foundation of practical tools that you can implement right away. While every journey has its ebbs and flows, I will be here to remind you of your value, celebrate your victories, and help you climb those hills.

My work with corporate clients across North America builds on my values of leadership, teamwork, and vision. I have helped implement Leadership Development and Corporate Health programs for Telus, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, NorthStar Ford, Old Dutch Foods, Precision Drilling, Northview Apartment REIT, West Campus Development Trust, TriStar Oil and Gas, Young President’s Organization, BMO Nesbitt Burns, Buchanan Barry Chartered Accountants, McLean and Partners, and more. In 2005, I was honoured to be named one of Calgary's Top 40 Under 40.


Because the wellness of my clients and community is of the utmost importance to me, I am devoted to supporting local charities. My team at Renewed Balance and I currently contribute to the Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation charities, The Mustard Seed, the Alberta Cancer Foundation, and the Calgary Veteran’s Food Bank. Each holiday season in December, we lead a toy drive for the Alberta Children’s Hospital. This year will mark our fifteenth contribution! I also hosted patients from the Children’s hospital and underprivileged families at every Calgary Stampeders home game from 1998 through 2009, giving the kids and their families an opportunity to enjoy a local tradition.

If my story and values resonate with you, I'd be honoured to be part of your journey. I invite you to get in touch, or inquire about my Speaking and Coaching services.

With Gratitude,
