"Working with Ranj over the past 10 years has provided me with a greater sense of purpose, clarity and direction in many key areas of my life. Ranj is an authentic, present and highly skilled coach and mentor.  Every time I connect with him I leave our conversations feeling energized and excited about what lies ahead.  Ranj has an uncanny ability to unlock ideas and areas of opportunity that I couldn't see.  Working with Ranj has been one of the greatest investments I have made in myself." 

— M.G.

“It has been an honor and a privilege to navigate some of the most difficult times in my marriage, career and personal life over the past two years with Ranj.

It has felt like having a best friend who truly cares for you and is there to help you to consistently reflect and think through what it means to be the best version of yourself.

Through Ranj’s coaching, support and guidance, I have been promoted at work, improved communication in my marriage and managed addiction challenges. I always leave our meetings feeling motivated and in-line with my deeper purpose.”

— L.B.

Ranj has been more than just a coach, friend, and supporter. He has helped me take my thinking, energy, and confidence into a realm which I wasn't sure was possible. In the short time in getting to know Ranj, I was positive that his guidance and professionalism would help me with my startup company as a young entrepreneur. What I didn't expect was all the valuable lessons I would learn about business and life which have led to my early vocational success. Ranj helps people rise to the occasion, find their greatness and turn that into tactical steps to take in their business, career and life.

~ Mackenze Stewart

“Working with Ranj has been a life changing experience. He helped me to reach new heights in my career and to finally succeed at long-standing personal goals. He is extremely personable and has the ability to connect with his clients quickly and to begin work with them at whatever stage they're in at the time.

He is trustworthy, always encouraging, patient and an insightful guide.

I've achieved challenging career objectives, improved personal and professional relationships, and found greater balance in my life. I have experienced what I can only describe as exponential internal growth. Ranj’s unique insight and his attention to the not so obvious, lends to his overall spirit and excellence as a life coach. He has helped me to restore my self-confidence and "positivity" on numerous occasions and to realize that I do have wonderful qualities which help me to contribute to the world I live in. I was able to easily identify the areas I wanted to work on and incorporate strategies to feel empowered and move forward. Ranj helped me to identify a new mental framework for relationships where I can express what I need without feeling guilty. We have worked on all aspects, from being in business with family members to building healthy relationships with my children and my wife.

My communication skills have improved tremendously as well as my self-worth.

I'm grateful for him and I wouldn't be where I am today without his help and guidance. Thank you Ranj, for changing my life!”

— R.S.

“Working with Renewed Balance has changed my life. The focus on health to create wealth has served me and the people around me. The hard work that we are doing when no one else is watching is innately in me. Ranj, Wilson and all of the team are creating value where no one else has.

They raise my game and create value. Day in, Day out.

With simple caring, attention to detail and listening for clues they make me better. Caring without judgement. They have simply changed my life in a positive and profound way.”

— K.S.

“I have had the privilege of having Ranj Bawa as my personal trainer and coach for over 6 years. In that time…

I have developed physically, emotionally and mentally to a point where I believe I am the fittest I have ever been in my life.

At 58 years of age, I can confidently say that I would not have this level of well being if it were not for Ranj. Insightful, positive, motivational, compassionate, wise and experienced are just some of the tools in his box. I am enormously grateful to Ranj and his entire team for the investment they have made in me. I have and will continue to refer friends and family to Ranj and the Renewed Balance team.”

— L.C.

“When someone starts with a coach they are looking for answers. It could be that they are struggling with work life balance, that they feel unfulfilled in their work or relationship and they need to get it back on track. For me it was a feeling of heaviness that work was weighing me down and that perfect strangers got the very best of me and my family got the worst version of me.  

Ranj Bawa has been the person who helped me change all the key elements in my life. He helps you to define what’s important and then work towards prioritizing these goals. He will tell you that the “universe rewards action not thinking “ our work together has been rewarding and exciting.  He helps you to get out of your own way and makes you accountable for your actions, thoughts and feelings.

Ranj is a great listener and an incredible communicator who allows you to arrive at your truth. Ranj helps to encourage but will be tough when he feels you’re not living your truth.

In the end Ranj is in your corner and he is there to help, mentor and most importantly to listen without judgement. You arrive at the answers but he is there as the compass to guide you along the way. Ranj Bawa makes you better.”

— M.B.

“Ranj is a sincere, compassionate and dedicated coach who was instrumental in helping me realize what was most important to focus on to get me back on track both emotionally and physically. That focus was me. If I didn’t make self-care my top priority, no matter how hard I tried, the other areas of my life would suffer.

Through Ranj’s thoughtful, persistent, and heartfelt approach to coaching, he was able to push me past my mental blocks to be more at peace and confident with both my personal and business goals moving forward.

I am so blessed to have had the opportunity to work with him.” 

— V.S.

“Renewed Balance has been a second home for me over the past ten years. Ranj has given me a space to feel vulnerable and safe and that has allowed me to continually grow into the best version of myself.

I can say, without hesitation, Ranj has changed my life and has been a constant pillar in every step of my journey. 

He is an exceptional listener, leader and confidante and I feel very fortunate to call him my friend. Ranj’s honesty and kindness is something I believe everyone needs in their life. If anyone can change the world it is Ranj.  I know this because he has changed mine.”

— B.H.