Ranj Bawa




I believe every single person deserves to manifest a level of self-respect, self-confidence, self-awareness, and self-care that allows them to become aligned with the best version of themselves. In my coaching practice, I strive to help people reach this level so they can continue embracing the process of self-discovery... while staying true to who they are and what they really want in life.


In my coaching practice, I encourage you to honour your victories as I guide you beyond your blind spots and help you build inner strength. I'll provide support and encouragement as your teammate, while holding you accountable for elevating yourself. My goal is to help you see the importance of consistency and continuity in terms of health, communication, personal vision, and professional leadership; to lead you to empowerment, confidence, a deeper sense of purpose. 

Ranj Bawa has been the person who helped me change all the key elements in my life. He helps you to define what’s important and then work towards prioritizing these goals. In the end, Ranj is in your corner and he is there to help, mentor and most importantly listen without judgment. You arrive at the answers but he is there as the compass to guide you along the way. He makes you better.
— M.B.

Coaching Process

Let's work together to elevate your mind, body, and spirit. My proven process will ensure you are supported, inspired, and encouraged.


My coaching process includes:

    • A consultation where I learn your story and draw awareness to your values and victories, in order to identify both your strengths and your blind spots
    • Coaching sessions where we focus on essential questions and practical steps you can implement to create progress
    • Email follow-ups which outline the main points we covered and key action steps to take
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