Ranj Bawa


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Ranj is a sought-after speaker, addressing topics in the realms of health, leadership, accountability, and fitness. His engaging, inspirational, and heart-centered speaking style leaves each audience member feeling connected, respected, and ready to contribute to the world.


Ranj's speaking engagements focus on personal development (self-awareness, self-respect, and personal health), and on relationships, communication, deep connection, and developing mutual respect with others. 

Knowing that positive energy loves company, he works to create a team in every room he's in by raising the vibration of the audience, knowing they will spread the same energy when they leave. Walk into the room searching for answers, and walk out with the world at your fingertips.

As your inner strength, clarity, and confidence build, you will develop a deep consistency around these qualities which will positively affect the lives of others and have a profound impact on the world.

Speaking Topics

Beginning and building his career in personal wellness, Ranj is an expert on all things fitness, mindset, and balance. A natural leader with an abundance of warmth and confidence, he teaches others how to bring those elements to their personal and professional lives.


Businesses analyze their growth and processes to determine their success – but have you ever thought about your own? Who are your investors and shareholders? Who lifts you up and inspires you daily? What are you personally invested in? How do you approach your health, your fitness, your relationships and your goals?

Presentation topics include:
    • Mapping Success With Fitness and Nutrition
    • Strategies for a Balanced Lifestyle – Aligning Resources and Vision
    • Exploring Core Values: the Foundations of a Successful Team
    • Leadership. Teamwork. Vision. Building a Collective Legacy
    • Fostering Trust, Enhancing Collaboration
    • From Inspiration to Realization: Goal Setting and Implementation

These are just a few of the topics that Ranj explores, encouraging introspection and clarity, and inspiring meaningful change right there in the room.

Customized talks are available upon request.

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Book Ranj for a Speaking Engagement: