The Well-Spring of Happiness

Dear Friend,

We hope you are enjoying the onset of the festive season! We sincerely value having you as part of our team and look forward to helping you make this final month of 2018 a successful and meaningful ride. 

I came across an intriguing quote - shared by the legendary John Lennon as he reflected upon his past.


"When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’.

They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life."

The notion of happiness is one that is marked by many perspectives and a host of experiences. The whole quest for this important quality is more often than not seen as an extrinsic game, one that requires other people, things, ventures and platforms in order to exist.

Yet may I respectfully suggest that one of the pillars of true happiness is a sound foundation of health. The internal strength of our mind, our body, our heart and our spirit holds massive potential to generate, ignite and create this sentiment...and when we breathe deeply, when we feel focused and when we have the capacity to respond with composure and resilience, happiness is given a wonderful forum to manifest.


How do we ensure that we enhance this inner well-being? 

  • Wake up 15 minutes earlier and sit in quiet solitude

  • Walk to our next workout with a calm intensity, telling ourselves that the next hour will make us feel better

  • Listen with the intent to understand - and ask good questions

  • At every stop light, express gratitude for something important to us

  • Take the time to rest and recover, knowing that this will greatly enhance our productivity and performance

  • Smile often and expect that success is coming our way

  • Visualize an outcome that will bring us further peace and freedom

  • Remind ourselves of our top three values and repeat them to ourselves during the day

We have the potential to connect to our own happiness any time, any place. Our choices, attitude and mindset will guide us. This month and leading into the holiday season, aim to delve a bit deeper and discover the well-spring of happiness that is inside of you…it is one of our greatest gifts.

All the best,