Making a Difference

Dear Friend,

We are now into May and it marks a great opportunity to reflect upon how you began this month…

* What is one thing you did to elevate your health? 

* What have you been most grateful for?

In the coming four weeks, I invite you to consider and then take action upon MAKING A DIFFERENCE...

* What conversation(s) will you have to inspire someone?

* What will you do to show leadership where it is needed most?

* Who will you acknowledge for their hard work, care or commitment?

* Where will you leave (a) positive impression(s) and how will you do so?

* How will you help yourself and someone else increase accountability?

* When will you set an example for those who can benefit from it the most? What will that example be?

* With whom will you share the words “I love you”?

You have what it takes to make at least two of these efforts happen. Go for it and in doing so, please realize the intention behind this approach...

Our world needs leadership, guidance, spirit and strength more than ever.

Once again, it’s Time. And it’s You.

