The Power of a Positive Attitude

Dear Friend,

Other than those of my family and those in the mirror...these are the eyes I look into each morning on my wall. They have provided me with inspiration, quiet confidence and peace. During these unprecedented times, I have found myself standing in front of this ally a bit longer...

For centuries, the Lion has been a symbol of courage. There is an inherent power that resides in the heart of this majestic animal and although it does not go looking for a fight, it won’t back down if one shows up. The Lion is also committed to its pride – those others in the group that make them collectively stronger. Its commitment to ferociously protecting its family is matched by its tenderness toward the younger members.

The Lion also embodies an attitude...and one that defines its spirit.

When challenges arise, especially as seriously and as far-reaching as this most recent pandemic, it can affect us on many levels. Although the times are uncertain and intense, therein lies an opportunity to choose our attitude...and when we choose one that is positive and grateful, we enter the realm of grace, presence and resilience. Now more than ever, it is so very important to embrace that choice.

To contribute to that effort, I have attached a link to my podcast from last year which speaks to “The Power of a Positive Attitude.” I hope the conversation will serve you with some ideas and action steps to support you during this dynamic time.

May your coming days offer you space and time to elevate your spirit and thus give you the fortitude and capacity to embrace another day.

With Love, Respect and Strength,