Pillars of Strength

Dear Friends,

These meaningful rocks are on my desk and I look at them with reverence each day. As the past few weeks have unfolded, the words have taken on even more significance...almost saying, "Here are your opportunities. Here are your strengths. Here is your story." Undoubtedly, we are in the midst of dynamic times...much of which we have never seen. Each day brings another level of intensity, challenge, inquiry and decision. The impact is all around us.

Yet, as with those words on the rocks, we have anchors available to us that reside inside our minds, our hearts and our spirits. The times are still hard but the connection to what matters most are the values and focuses that will carry us...GRATITUDE, FAMILY, FRIENDS, HEALTH, COURAGE, HEALING, HOPE, SPIRIT AND CONFIDENCE.

Our leadership, kindness, strength, vulnerability and communication are being called upon in our homes, our communities and across the land. May we all be aware of the opportunity to truly stand tall...and then lean in and on when we need support. There is grace in embracing discomfort and dignity in rising above it.

Honor yourself today and beyond...take care of yourself and those around you...and know that those virtues most dear to you will illuminate your way.

With Love and Strength,