Staying Aligned during Challenging Times

Dear Friend,

I hope this note finds you healthy and present amidst these still uncertain times.

Life offers us so many trailheads. Each day is a new hike and sometimes those treks take us along paths of personal, professional and even emotional quests. At times like these current ones, the slopes can become steep and daunting...and on other days, we can enjoy open, beautiful vistas on figurative outcrops. The variability of the journey is dynamic, difficult, uplifting and demanding.

As you continue to move forward to find your way, I would respectfully remind you to remember your Base Camp – that mental place, that emotional well, that physical capacity and those life practices that quietly equip you with the strength, safety, courage and hope to venture out for another day. Although the proverbial forest around us may seem expansive and hard to navigate, the fire that we ignite at our Base Camp and the light that it provides will continue to guide us and keep us going.

I have attached a link to my most recent podcast below (Episode 19: Staying Aligned during Challenging Times). We talk about the importance of that Base Camp Mentality, certain approaches that can serve us during these adverse times and key practices that can help us both fortify and endure as the coming days and weeks unfold. I hope that it can be of service to you...and if you want to forward it to others for whom it may help, please feel free to do so.

We will look back on this time someday. We will reflect upon the hikes we took. We will relive the high peaks of the mountains. We will remember the depths of the valleys. And we will recall what we learned about ourselves along the way.

Love and Strength,

“Episode 19: Staying Aligned during Challenging Times”