Supporting Our Seniors

Dear Friend,

I hope this note finds you healthy, safe and staying the course amidst these dynamic times.

On Friday, April 24th, my Renewed Balance Team (Laura, Wilson, Hugo) and I had the true privilege of visiting the AMICA Aspen Woods Seniors’ Residence in southwest Calgary. We worked with their dedicated staff of Catherine Russell (G.M.), Anthony Cherniawsky (Community Relations Director), Natasha Dunn (Life Enrichment Assistant) and other members of their group to provide a meaningful afternoon for the residents.

In the interests of helping the seniors experience health, happiness and sunshine, (during these times of extensive isolation for them), we led exercise and movement sessions for each side of the complex...north, east, south and west...with the residents on their balconies, four stories high, and our Team out on the grounds facing them. The sessions were accompanied by classic tunes from The Beatles, The Four Tops, Elvis, The Supremes and many other musical legends.

The residents were engaged, present, enthusiastic and appreciative. With an age range of 70 – 99, they gave it their best during each session. We took a few moments at the end of each time to share our gratitude for all their contributions, leadership and years of service to our communities and our country.

Watching them reminded me of the significance of this group in our society...our Seniors. Truly, the pioneers of this era. The values, lessons, tragedies and triumphs that they represent are the humble yet essential bedrock that defines our times. I respectfully remind us all to continue to thank them – by a phone call, a hand-written card, an email, by face time or by a simple wave.

 Much of the resilience, courage, respect and grace that we can draw upon during these very challenging and ever-changing times, was born in their early years and thus exemplified for all of us. Their legacy is one that is both powerful and profound.

My reflection on this became most poignant after the last session we shared with the group. I had walked to my vehicle on the far side of the property and as I loaded my gear, I saw one of the residents coming by. She was one of the most senior members...99 years young and out for her daily power walk (even after having done one of the earlier sessions). As she was going by, I smiled and waved. She shared a wonderful expression in return.

Her eyes were clear and bright. Her head was held high and as she went by, she gave me one more look – a kind, knowing and fortified if to say, “We’re all going to be okay. We just have to stay together. And keep moving forward.”

And as I watched her progress onward, her pace supported the unspoken narrative. Quietly, persistently and with purpose...she just kept on...moving forward.

May we follow that indelible example...and continue to honour those who drafted the first pages of this generation’s story.

Love and Strength,